Each year, the Ontario Regional Conference (ORC) relies on many volunteers whose valued service contributes greatly to the ORC’s success

To welcome attendees warmly and with a smile… and direct them to registration, the meeting rooms and where to find coffee

Preregistration Badge Pickup:
To hand out badges, badge holders and printed ORC programs to attendees who have pre-registered on-line.

To provide On-site registration by entering attendee’s name, group they belong to, and whether A.A., Al-Anon, Alateen or guest. Attendee is then directed to Cashier for payment. Basic keyboarding skills are all that is required!

Volunteering involves a two-hour commitment to a shift on either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.
Be sure to complete your conference registration first. . . only registered attendees can volunteer! Job training will be provided!

Please consider signing up! Thank you!

Once registration is completed, please return here to volunteer.